Paramour Studios is proud to be a part of another great campaign. Whether you or someone you love has been affected by this dreaded disease, chances are someone in your life has. To that end, we pledge our support today.Anyone wanting to participate can contact Mystyre Sapphire or Jack Hannu and schedule your appointment today.
Stand pretty, stand tall and stand strong - Together.
With Paramour Studios, today.

October 5th – November 15th 2012
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes, and every year approximately 50,000 die from this disease.
We are back!
PRETTY BALD IN PINK Photo Campaign is a charity project aimed to promote knowledge and support for cancer victims, families and everyone affected by this disease. Like last year, the idea is not to raise money, but to raise conscience and awareness about a subject that concern us all, to some more direct than to others.
Images will be posted on the PBIP blog, flickr and other media.
Each participant of the PBIP Photo Campaign will take a picture of themselves in a black, white or pink background completely BALD and add the PBIP Logo, your name, your title or SL Business and either 1 sentence or 3 words that you think embody the idea of the PBIP Campaign.
MAKE ALL IMAGES 1024×1024 or 1024×512 in size and add to the FLICKR group.
